Our Certifications
Quality Commitment
Our work on continual improvement and innovation is never ending. We have a strong team of passionate, hard-working and knowledgeable people who design bright and exciting futures for our clients. We are committed to meeting or exceeding our clients’ expectations for quality, value and variety of products and services. Quality is an integral component of our strategy to maintain our market status.
We have an independently- audited, JAS-ANZ Accredited Certification for an Integrated Management System, which encompasses:
Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2016
Occupational Health and Safety Management System – ISO 45001:2018
Environmental Management System – ISO 14001:2016
Health and Safety
We are committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for all staff, contractors, visitors and the general public at the work location. We will protect the environment in accordance with applicable laws. This commitment is outlined in our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Policy.
Our Policy is based on the conviction that accidents are preventable. In order to achieve this policy objective, we identify HSE risks associated with our activities and minimise them as far as is reasonably practicable. Health, Safety and Environmental responsibilities are integrated into the way in which we conduct our business. Successfully managing HSE issues is an essential component of our business strategy.
We are committed to the pursuit of sound environmental principles in the provision of solutions to our clients and in our general business activities. We recognise that our activities use and bring us into contact with the earth’s resources and ecosystems, and may include the development of procedures and work instructions which use those resources. We shall strive to conduct our operations with the aim of sustainable development and reduction of pollution. In support of our overall objective to pursue sound environmental principles, we maintain an integrated Environmental Management System (EMS) to guide business on a day-to-day operational basis.