Airport Pavements
As a leading transportation infrastructure company, we provide a comprehensive range of engineering information, investigations and consultancy services for airport infrastructure.
Pavement Management Services (PMS) undertake a range of geophysical and non-destructive investigations of airfield pavements to provide a full suite of information regarding their construction and condition.
We offer a range of geophysical and non-destructive investigations for airfield pavements. We collect data regarding the construction and condition of the pavement asset. This data is then utilised to conduct engineering analysis and prepare reports which assist our clients to focus repair activities and deal with asset deterioration in a timely and carefully-targeted manner.
Pavement Management Services own and operate equipment capable of Visual Pavement Condition Capture, Pavement Laser Data, Structural Assessments (PCN, Failure investigations), Pavement Structure Assessments, Friction Surveys.
The benefits to the clients are:
• Input to risk management.
• Identify potential problems as early as possible.
• Proactive safety management.
• Load and usage planning and management.
• Comply with (changing) safety standards.
In 2019 the ICAO announced a proposed addendum to the ACN/PCN reporting system that includes a structural rating methodology based on mechanistic principals in efforts to align the rating system with the current design procedures rather than archaic empirical methodologies and increase in aircraft weights and tyre pressures. The new reporting system - termed Aircraft Classification Rating/Pavement Classification Rating (ACR/PCR), is further endorsed by CASA planned to be introduced before November 2024.
So what does this mean for you?
In some cases, the PCR will be transition based on the fleet mix and adopted from calculated ACR (critical aircraft). For aerodromes that cannot determine the basis of their current PCN, the transition will require professional assistance – typically involving pavement investigations and engineering. PMS’ solution adopts ‘state of the practice’ methodologies using invasive and non-destructive testing to analyse the pavement and subgrade material properties (now classified according to modulus rather than CBR), to form an understanding of the engineering properties that cannot be determined from visual or geotechnical testing alone. Employing our strategy to a pavement strength assessment is at the fore front of pavement engineering including pavement strength ratings, works programming, rehabilitations and treatment designs.
We tailor our service to your requirements, selecting from any or all of the following:
ACN / PCN (ACR/PCR) Assessments
Back analysis of deflection bowl data
Layer Moduli and Estimated Subgrade CBR
Residual life of airfield pavement
Increased load capacity (assessment)
Maintenance design strategies
Pavement designs
Slab Load Transfer Efficiency (LTE) and corner void assessments
Video logging and data display solutions
Asset inventory, to sub-metre accuracy
Longitudinal pavement profile assessments, including BBI and profiling requirements for compliance
Surface Texture Depth for compliance
GPR - Potential voids and moisture analysis
In situ / DCP testing, boreholes and core holes
Emu Airport Pavement Profiler
There’s a new kid on the block at PMS! Introducing the Emu Airport Pavement Profiler!
Known officially as the Auto Rod and Level, the Emu draws inspiration from the famous Australian bird of the same name -due to its speed and its reluctance to ever take flight! The Emu combines the dependability of tried-and-proven rod and level assessments with the laser precision of the ARAN.
Pavement Management Services' newly acquired technology is focused on improving both aircraft performance and pavement life. The Emu uses a wide-angle laser to evaluate a pavement’s ride quality by capturing the many minute grade changes along the length of a pavement.
Emu focuses on the interaction between the Pavement and the Aircraft:
Rough Pavements Increase Pavement Loads
Rough Pavements Increase Wear and Tear on Aircraft
Pavement Profiles can Change with Time and Traffic