Airports Asset Management Solution
An Airport Asset Management System takes the guesswork out of maintaining your pavements by applying advanced analytics to improve the efficiency, timing, and cost-effectiveness of airfield planning and maintenance operations. This not only supports the optimal allocation of your budgets, but also produces flow-on benefits for passenger safety and mobility.
Increase efficiency by maximising data accessibility and organisation
Use pavement data to inform decision making, ensure compliance and work towards sustainable objectives
Seamlessly share data between different departments and work teams
Arm your asset management team with the highest quality data available
Curate your data with clear user roles and ongoing data maintenance procedures
Optimise your pavement for any stage of the pavement life cycle. Generate improved customer outcomes and experiences
Extract more from the value chain and increase ROI
Develop comprehensive reports that rely on past, present and future modelling data
Create synergies with maintenance and engineering teams – work towards common goals
With an integrated asset management system for your airport, you can improve strategic decision-making and day-to-day pavement maintenance operations by providing real-time data to improve the scheduling and management of work projects.
Predicting the future is difficult, but, for those responsible for the management of assets, it is necessary. Predictive (deterioration) modelling provides a systematic means of forecasting future pavement performance, improving asset knowledge in support of the wider process of effective asset management.
Our Asset Management Solution (AMS) comprises several modules that, when combined, provide an integrated asset management solution, enabling workflow and data-sharing across typically siloed functions or domains. This solution is highly flexible yet structured in its approach to supporting standard practices based on years of experience working with global airports. It integrates a linear referencing system to recognise asset ids, sections and zones. The solution has the capability not just to analyse each pavement section, but also to predict even when a single slab will deteriorate beyond usable parameters. With a swift click of the mouse, users can view construction data, pavement profiles and maintenance history to get a complete picture of any section at any time.
Key Features
• Zero-footprint, web-based system
• Integrated GIS mapping capabilities (Esri® partner and technology)
• Secure and scalable to thousands of users
• One system for multiple airports
• Localizable at the user level
• Embedded and powerful reporting tools

Airport Pavement Management System powered by AgileAssets, is built on a proven platform that has been used successfully by clients worldwide for more than 27 years, with frequent innovations as technology has matured. This integrated solution brings all assets together on a single platform, so that optimal decision-making is possible.
Bringing all assets together on a single platform leverages the interaction of different stakeholders and data sources. When Engineering and Maintenance teams are working together as one, projects are identified, planned, and then approved in record time - reducing costs and ensuring more efficient operations.
Through continuous innovations, the platform has undergone many enhancements:
Map-centric, user-driven experience.
Solution extended to mobile devices with purpose-built mobile applications
APIs to make it easier to move data between applications and strengthen data integrity; and
Improved development practices and automated deployment of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that updates frequently, making it easier for users to stay current with the latest features
Download the brochure
Get your free copy which contains all you need to know about our airport asset management solution.
This is your guide to PARMMS powered by AgileAssets®.
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If you would like a demonstration of the Airport Asset Management System, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the form below.